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CH-CH-CH-CHANGESSSSS. My life seems to be in an elusive state of transition more of the than not. My husband coaches college football, and we move all over the place! Super fun & adventurous, but it takes a toll sometimes. Since we started dating, we've made 3 big moves in 6 years. Once when I was 8 months pregnant, and this last move with a toddler. We're a "fly by the seat of our pants" kind of family, but the saving grace, we know where our goals are leading us.

I'm a Gemini through & through, so change & I, we have a pretty good relationship. Rooting down is hard work for me. (we can talk about that another time.) change - it's that friend that I know's always there, even if I haven't sat down with them in a bit. Change allows me to try something new on. Change my mind. Un-attach. Go for it (whatever it is). Change is something I've grown used to - I've come to expect it - welcome it - desire it - & yes, even use it as a crutch sometimes. Oops. Sometimes I allow transition to take longer than it should - sit around in the muck of uncertainty & give myself a little too much grace on actually putting one foot in front of the other & getting back to creating the life I know I want to live. You know, instead of trusting myself & letting my values lead the way.

I'm sure some of you are like, "Girl, change sucks & I avoid it like the plauge." but, change isn't the hard part for me because it just happens. Without asking your permission. It just shows up, says "Time to go!" the hard part is going all in on self initiated change. Because that takes commitment. And effort. A whole lot of effort. And undoing. Ad redoing. You get the picture.

I'm sure some of you are like, "Girl, change sucks & I avoid it like the plauge." but, change isn't the hard part for me because it just happens. Without asking your permission. It just shows up, says "Time to go!" the hard part is going all in on self initiated change. Because that takes commitment. And effort. A whole lot of effort. And undoing. Ad redoing. You get the picture.

Maybe you're there now. Desperate for change to just happen to you so that it would force you off the edge and into something different.

That's where I've been for the last 6 months or so. Ignoring my core values, feeling out of sorts, tricking myself into taking it easy with the little stuff & pushing down the fact that I know without a doubt that it's the little stuff that makes up this big beautiful life. And to top it off, I've been chasing after some goals that just weren't super clear or bringing me joy. This is where a major kick in the ass comes in. A face to face chat with my core values. Using the tools I know I'm equipped with. I call this "course correcting." even though my scenery is different now (& insanely gorgeous this time of year in new hampshire), my core values, those things that light a fire inside of me, that keep me fueled, fed, intune & walking in the direction of my best life - my core values haven't changed. And they won't. Sometimes it's just about coming back. That's the cool part about this work. Kind of like meditation, designing your life in the small moments really takes practice. And alot of the f word. Failure. When I fail, I realize where I want to be by visiting a place I don't want to be. I realize what imbalance feels like.

So - course correcting. That's what's happening here. Calling my vision to the forefront. Inviting my core values to come back alive in my day to day. And guess what else? Saying no - alot. To the mindsets that don't support where I want to go. To the bad habits I've developed that allow me to be a grouch when my life isn't following the deadlines I hysterically & randomly set for myself. And in the midst of all this course correcting, is a whole lot of pausing, looking around & admiring all the things that surround me. Things that I intentionally placed there (back in the day of living wholey into my core values) & things that never left, even if they were ignored for a bit. I have a majesty palm that I forget to water sometimes. I smile pretty much every time I see him because he reminds me of salty adventures (gully is his name), but nonetheless, I forget to pour into him on occasion. It's all good. He's strong. He's part of the core. But he does need water & so do our core values. Consistently. Then - man! Watch them growwwww.

"Woah Woah Woah. How can you be a goal coach and be failing at living into your own goals?"

I hear you. I do. And you know what? Sometimes we get super stuck. For me - it's when my goals are a little lackluster. A little undefined or set with uclear intentions. Sometimes, the follow through falls through when my goals are accidentally set without my core values tagging along. Oops. Course correct. No biggie.

The space, after the "fail" - after the "holy crap, why am I no closer to my goals than when I set them" phase... that's where the magic starts to brew. When you start pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. Making declarations. Living with your eyes wide open. Acknowledging that something has to give - and it's you. You start giving. Pouring into the small things & watching the shift happen. After all, we know that life doesn't just "Happen to us." choice. And power. We've got it. Even when we don't want to see it or don't want to make it.

I'm ready to step into the magic again. How about you?

What core values do you need to speak life into again? Core values set the stage for us to design goals & start living into a new possibility. They are the bigger picture & your goals become the stepping stones. Don't know what your core values are? Let's connect. Schedule that 20 minute consult & let's throw a picture on the front of the puzzle box. How you put it together, well that's up to you. There's really no right or wrong way. Just a way.

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